Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More Info on the Triple Trail Challenge!

More Important Info For You!


This is a self-supported and self-paced ride. We give you a map outlining the course. In addition, we will mark key points of the course (such as turns or ambiguous areas) with powder paint. There is NO SAG and probably NO COURSE SWEEP. In other words, you are ON YOUR OWN just as God intended mountain biking to be in the beginning. Make sure you bring a pump/spare tube/tools/energy bar-gel/water and a plastic baggie to put your map in so it doesn't get roached by your sweat. Food and drink may be puchased at the Gregory Party Store, located at the beginning of our Lakelands Trail leg of the ride. There are no aid stations along the course for food or water. You might also want to bring a cellphone in your jersey pocket "in case".


Course condition is good and has been freshly mowed and trimmed. Keep in mind though, this is NOT a heavily used trail. Thus, it is thick and rich with vegetation with a sometimes narrow trail corridor and often has a "not very worn in" trail tread. Parts of this ride are also very hilly and technical. The Poto and Waterloo are not novice mountain biking trails! We will be marking the course at key turns and intersections with powder chalk spray paint. Marks will consist of arrows or confidence "dots" and will be put on the ground/soil only (so look down). Remember, trail marks wear out, get washed away, or are vandalized frequently -- so rely on your map first and marks second.


We will have a tent set-up at the Silver Lake Trailhead with maps and swag starting at about 8:30am. Look for the Michigan Sports and Fitness Tent where you will sign-in. However, there is no charge for the event. We'd like everyone to start by around 10am. It is best to get there and get out on the trail anytime between 9am and 10am. The time to complete the ride has ranged from 3 to 6 hours for most in the past. Plan accordingly based on your personal speed comfort zone.


The DNR and Running Fit also will be doing a trail run on the day of our event staged from the Silver Lake Parking Lot. This is by design in conjunction with the day's DNR Go-Get Outdoors Program. The runners will primarily be on a different trail than us (Crooked Lake) at a different time, so we shouldn't be impacting each other. Still, be aware.


Every rider with get a waterbottle at check-in/map retrieval courtesy of Two Wheel Tango containing some special swag inside of it courtesy of our sponsors. We will also have event t-shirts for sale for a minimum donation of $10.00. Remember, all proceeds go to purchasing our new Poto Chapter walk-behind trail trimmer-mower. Your waterbottle gets you into the Trippel Ale Challenge Clandestine Afterparty, where you will be swagged with free beer as well (if over 21 y.o.).

Questions or care to volunteer in some way? Email jasonaricjones@aol.com


To see a bigger version of the map, right click on the map and then choose to "Open Link in New Window". When the map comes up in a new window, hover over it with the cursor and you should get a "+" sign. If you click, it will enlarge to readable form. Sorry, that's the best I can do for you right now.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Directions to Trippel Ale Challenge Afterparty

The Trippel Ale Challenge Clandestine Afterparty will start at 2pm-ish and go until ? It will be held only a couple miles from the Poto. Due to parking constraints, the party is RIDE IN (as in on your bike) ONLY. However, you can park a quarter mile from the event. Directions and parking location are given below.

Party is sponsored by Trek Bicycles, Dark Horse Brewing and Two Wheel Tango. There will be plenty of cold draft Dark Horse Brewing Sapient Belgian Trippel, as well as some other offerings. Looks like chips and salsa for food right now, so if that ain't good enough -- B.Y.O.F. (F = Food) Also, bring a camp chair or blanket to sit on if you don't like standing, 'cuz we don't have 50 to 100 chairs. Also, if you are too young to drink or don't drink beer, B.Y.O.D. (D = Drink). There is no charge for the Party, but we reserve the right to cut you off at any time. Also, we'd appreciate it if you purchased an event t-shirt to help support the event, party, and raise funds for our new kickarse walkbehind trail trimmer.

To get to the party, turn out of the Pinckney Rec Silver Lake Trailhead Parking Lot onto Dexter Townhall Road (the only way in and out of the Silver Lake Trailhead Area). Take Dexter Townhall right or south a mile or two to North Territorial. Turn left or east onto North Territorial and go around 3 or 4 miles. On your right-hand (south) side, about a quarter mile before you reach the intersection of North Territorial and Dexter-Pinckney Roads (where the Bearclaw Coffee Hut is located), there is an abandoned office building called Territorial Professional Bldg. Park in this lot!

Now, right across from this lot on the other side of the road is a dirt two-track next to a sign for Dexter Animal Hospital. There is a gate at the end of the two-track that may or may not be open. Go through or around the gate and go north on the two-track. In about a tenth of a mile, you'll hit another gate that you'll need to go through or around (don't worry, this is land accessible to the public, so you are not tresspassing). Go another tenth of a mile past this second gate. On your left or west, you'll see an opening to singletrack. Follow the singletrack about another tenth of a mile then turn right or south to the party! Look for the Trek and/or Fisher Bike Tents, people, and BEER! I will mark the two-track, singletrack, and turns will powder paint arrows, so you won't be able to miss it.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Triple Trail Challenge